I bought Okami last night since I didnapos;t get to finish the game. I�wanted to buy Silent Hill but itapos;s a bit expensive right now. Amber, Mike and I all had sushi together, shortly afterwards I�had stomoch problems so i hope that it wasnapos;t because of that. Iapos;m better now though. Amber had a good time and Mike seemed more relaxed around her, who knows, maybe theyapos;ll be something between them someday, you never know
Today I went to church, which I had a lovely time at. They showed a video of Man that told a story that reminded me so much of me and Troy. I donapos;t want to talk about it here because I�want him to here it from me over the phone. I took Amber alittle while ago to a morman church so that she can do a research presentation for her religon class.
Iapos;ve been thinking non-stop about Troy but I think Iapos;m finally past the depresstion of him being gone. I still get sad but its not all the time now. Yesterday I thought alot about the first time we made love. I donapos;t know why but Iapos;ve been thinking about that momment alot. Itapos;s not like itapos;s the only special momment we had together, weapos;ve had so many endearing momments. I guess Itapos;s just the one I want to think about right now :) Tomorrow I might dwell on a different memory. Wonder if which one he likes to think about?�:P�Hehe Sometimes I donapos;t even think back, I�just daydream about us together, which is always fun.
Alright I�think Iapos;ll go relax, play Okami, and then work on a few things. Let me know if you want help designing your website honey Iapos;ve got alot of photoshop paintbrushes that you can use. Are you gonna design it with the same theme of the Logo I�made for you? :)�RED�GLOWING�TREES�WHEEE
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