воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

face mask porcelain

I bought Okami last night since I didnapos;t get to finish the game. I�wanted to buy Silent Hill but itapos;s a bit expensive right now. Amber, Mike and I all had sushi together, shortly afterwards I�had stomoch problems so i hope that it wasnapos;t because of that. Iapos;m better now though. Amber had a good time and Mike seemed more relaxed around her, who knows, maybe theyapos;ll be something between them someday, you never know

Today I went to church, which I had a lovely time at. They showed a video of Man that told a story that reminded me so much of me and Troy. I donapos;t want to talk about it here because I�want him to here it from me over the phone. I took Amber alittle while ago to a morman church so that she can do a research presentation for her religon class.

Iapos;ve been thinking non-stop about Troy but I think Iapos;m finally past the depresstion of him being gone. I still get sad but its not all the time now. Yesterday I thought alot about the first time we made love. I donapos;t know why but Iapos;ve been thinking about that momment alot. Itapos;s not like itapos;s the only special momment we had together, weapos;ve had so many endearing momments. I guess Itapos;s just the one I want to think about right now :) Tomorrow I might dwell on a different memory. Wonder if which one he likes to think about?�:P�Hehe Sometimes I donapos;t even think back, I�just daydream about us together, which is always fun.

Alright I�think Iapos;ll go relax, play Okami, and then work on a few things. Let me know if you want help designing your website honey Iapos;ve got alot of photoshop paintbrushes that you can use. Are you gonna design it with the same theme of the Logo I�made for you? :)�RED�GLOWING�TREES�WHEEE

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

barbers hill bank

Major spoilers for Rainbow Bridge What am I saying? Youapos;re in a SeixSub community... Go watch the anime or read the manga XD

What I want to discuss are the possibilities with events that happened between them alone.

The most obvious question of all is what did Seishiro tell Subaru before he died? Most of us want to believe that it was a love confession, but what if it was another lie? I certainly donapos;t want it to be, but what if it was? Maybe Seishiro wanted to own Subaru completely by letting him kill him so it would tear down Subaru even more than he already has, knowing that deep down Subaru couldnapos;t kill him.�Iapos;m sure thatapos;s not the case because then what was the point in Setsukaapos;s words? He loved Subaru damnit

My other question is when (supposingly) did Seishiro realise that he did loved Subaru? There are three main times I can think of:

1. At the end of Tokyo Babylon, because he let Subaru go again, but why? Maybe it was because Subaru easnapos;t worth killing, but as a Sakurazukamori, itapos;s his job to kill, wether he thinks they should or not, but he has his own mind to do whatever he wants.

2. Their first meeting after nine years. Maybe the new Subaru caught his attention since he was the cause of it, possibly feeling sorry that Subaru was a depressed cold person, lost of his cuteness shyness was out for revenge. Losing his cuteness isnapos;t a bad thing though, Subaru had grown up to be a beautiful man.

3. When Subaru lost his eye. This is interesting because if you think about it, when Seishiro lost his eye, Subaru fell in love with him. Funny if it would happen again but instead each other swapping places. Having said that, even before Subaru fought with /Kamui/ (Fuuma), Seishiro was watching. Whatapos;s all that about? It might be possible that he was confused at this point, since I imagine if he was going to feel, it would be gradual not just "Oh, I love Subaru" since a Sakurazukamori doesnapos;t have much experience with emotions so he probably wouldnapos;t know how to deal with them.

Thereapos;s also the time in between TB X, since at the end of TB he could have just been confused at first since�Subaru was the closest person�to love (even if he didnapos;t love him, just close enough), then maybe he decided to let the bet continue so he could try to love him after thinking about the person he would supposingly be killed by.

He didnapos;t intervene in the fight, so does that mean he didnapos;t feel at that time, or if he did, then why didnapos;t he try to stop it?

Did he know Subaru would live (then how how could he have been so certain Subaru would, unless he knew ?Kamui/ wouldnapos;t since he thought Subaruapos;s wish was to kill, thus /Kamui/ allowed him to live, though that wasnapos;t the reason he let him live at all.)

Did he not want to get on /Kamui/apos;s bad side, who would then probably kill them both, or worse to him, just Subaru?

He didnapos;t like it when /Kamui/ blinded him (manga only) because it was a mark left by another person. So then why didnapos;t he try to stop the fight if for that reason only?

After Subaru lost his eye, was that when Seishiro decided to replace that mark with his own (manga only)? Did he care at the time, thatapos;s why he didnapos;t intervene in the fight?

Realising that he loved him, maybe that was the time that he wished for Subaruapos;s eye to be erased.

So many questions I do wish Clamp wouldapos;ve just made things clear for us If only they knew... *gets teary eyed.*

Opinions are welcome

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elephant man aids reggae

Okay, plans for today was a bit screwed hahaha.
Well, SOMEONE actually did ditch me again but I didnapos;t get angry cause he told me not to. Cause iapos;m like an awesome girlfriend.
Nah I kept my upsetness to myself and after reading the text I went back to sleep.. HAHAHA
And then moped to a million people after that.. HEY itapos;s not my faut you ditched me. I didnapos;t get angry at you but I told everyone. And telling everyone via my wonderful blog. Ditch me again? I tell the world again�:P

But then you see I talked to the aforementioned person on MSN..
"Iapos;m making souffle�BRB :)"
"Ehhh. Hey you should make me one as compensation for DITCHING ME TODAY."
(I bet he does some thinking and switches on his brain..)
"Oh yeaah... I should"
"I bring for you on Monday :)"

You know what to do la.
If you donapos;t bring.
Kena la you, I tell my blog. HAAA what you gonna do about it�:P

HAHAHA. So yeah. Well. Nat got ditched by her man too. So funny.
During dinner Giselleapos;s like.. "If you have a boyfriend youapos;d be out every weekend.."
Pickles : *upset face*
Giselle : "Except for this one lah"

Hahahahaa Iapos;m paying you out heaps Kewkew HAHAHAHA. What can I do man. Iapos;m bored, blogging,
I should do some homework YEEEEAH. Hehehe.

Initially was supposed to go to the city with just Neena, but it turned out to be a field trip with Sherr, Giz, and Nat as well.
Twas hot today, like, effing 33 Celcius HAHAHA. Oh well. Time for a tan yeeeah :)
Walked around so much, Iapos;m tired already hahaha.
Bought lots of food.
I bought PEANUTS.
I absolutely adore peanuts.
BAD idea to buy it cause I couldnapos;t stop eating it once I started.
I was supposed to eat healthy all term, too.

And yeah I found my lunch ticket in my drawer.
But I should make my own sandwich, itapos;s healthier than all the hot cheesy milky foods.
Uh yeaaah shall remind myself not to put mayonaisse in my future sandwiches. Fattening :P

But my day wasnapos;t too bad.
Time to do other stuff :)

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bed breakfast chien du prairie

So as I sit here in front of my computer I just cant help but think... Do I spill my guts about whats going on in my life to all of you fine people, which most of you probably donapos;t care about or do I wright fun stories about people we are all interested in? The answer is obvious to me... Lets have some fun here That being said I would like to say what ever you see here IS�FICTIONAL these are not true events and are not to be taken as such. I am open to suggestions as to whom I should pair up in my first fan fic/ slash stories. Please post in comments

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

alesse 28 faq

Alright, this is a mage QQ. As most people know by now, mages are great at QQapos;ing. How do you think we are able to summon all that water for you to drink? Why do you think it has a salty taste to it? Because itapos;s "mineral water"? Please.

Anyway, logged in yesterday to play my mage main. And first of all, Iapos;d like to state that Iapos;ve always been the #1 dpser in my guild (we havenapos;t progressed past ZA). For my gear, Iapos;m a pretty frantic mage, managing my rotation as if my LIFE�depended on it. Also, I spec fire, I spec for zero utility, full damage.

Ok, heroic MGT, need dps. ALRIGHT, nice dps test for me The group:

1 dps warrior, whirlwind specced
1 paladin tank
1 mage (me)
1 rogue
1 healer priest

So there we go, du du du lemme try my rotation here... Yeah things are blowing up, great. Actually things are dying just WAY too fast, is this really heroic? Hmm yes it is, ok. Maybe I shouldnapos;t cast Living Bomb on Skull, it dies before the last tick. Iapos;ll cast it on X instead. Yeah, that worked fine, when skull is dying,�X is exploding for aoe damage, great.

End of 3 fights. Check the recount report.

What? The warrior is BY�FAR on top of the dps chart? Ok, I must concentrate more

I buff up with weapon oil, well fed spell dmg buff and a spellpower elixir. In the next fights, I am like a cold-blooded machine switching targets really fast�and popping all my trinkets and cooldowns. Iapos;m playing the game like itapos;s my JOB. Fight ends. Warrior is still 100 dps in front of me.

What the HELL? Check his gear. Purples, but battleground ones. Nothing special. That doesnapos;t make sense. I scratch my head. And then I ask guildies.

Me - Hey guys, what the hell is going on? This warrior in my group is outdpsing me and the rogue, by FAR. The rogue is at the BOTTOM of the dps chart
G - Lol, itapos;s the new system, everyone does equal dps now.
Me - No it doesnapos;t, this warrior is KICKING�MY�ASS.
G - Itapos;s cause the new system rewards skill. Maybe you just suck lololol
Me - What Iapos;ve been the top dpser in this guild for ages
G - New patch qq more little mage

ARGH There must be something wrong. Lemme take a look at this warriorapos;s SKILL.

Next fight. Warrior melees. Melees again. Starts spinning in the middle of a bunch of mobs while the paladin consecrates. Bunch of elites starts screaming "mommy". That goes on over and over again.

Hhmm Check the recount statistics for the warriorapos;s DPS.

36 of his dps: WHIRLWIND.

What? Lemme check that again... 36 of his damage is due to pressing ONE�key in the middle of a lot of mobs?? Yes, thatapos;s right.

For the next fights, I substitute my spells for level 1 spells, just to pretend that Iapos;m actually there. The group doesnapos;t need me. Sheeps? What for? They can 4-man that place so easily itapos;s a joke, just aoeing shit up. I start feeling depressed.

So Iapos;m juggling my spells and playing like my life depended on it, and the warrior outdpses me pressing ONE�button? And thatapos;s SKILL??? Check this out: whirlwind was 36 of his dps. 1300 x 0,36 = 468. Thatapos;s 468 dps from pressing ONE button Wow, thatapos;s a LOT of skill

I want a 51 talent like that, really. Iapos;m hoping things will get better once we get to 80 and beyond, because as it stands right now... Itapos;s a joke. Itapos;s just a sad joke.

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You know,
Weird eyes bother me when i am asleep and I wake up to realize I am in a nightmare of a nightmare,
how may I be of service all my accounts but 3, have been hacked, or is it the new hardware...
why are none of my "friends"dignify me they must be beter off lucky them I will continue to walk untill I die.
I just wish I was helpfull enough to rember.
just remeber I am no-one my own flesh will tell you that.

autoshow 2005 in chicago, colloqualism, colloqualisms, colloqually.

среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

chandos fishing lake

I guess you can make the boy grow up, but you canapos;t take the dream out of him.

Iapos;m watching macross frontier, the 25th anniversary of macross, and Iapos;m completely in love with it.
The silly love triangle, the japanese pop songs, everything.

Unimaginable huh? That i can even stand the songs when I donapos;t even listen to english ones.

Somehow it all fits though, and a get a tingle down my spine when the music plays and the Valkyries fly.

Life is just too damn boring.

I want to go to a school that has a huge fighter jet on the roof as part of its design;
where school classes include jumping off a roof with a jetpack; and home is a huge spaceship that is just like a city on earth inside.

Thank you Macross, youapos;ve let the boy dream once more.

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